(English version at the bottom.)
Today I have channeled three messages for a client from Archangel Raphael (very exhausted.) Two of them are worthy to be shared. One is about emotion and another one is about abundance.
About Emotion:
You understand your obstacle inside you, it is the first step to improvement. Firstly, do not rush to change anything, because when you are impatient, this is a kind of persistence. Your negative emotions and thoughts then could not be freed from you, because you are still grasping on them. We have to respect emotions, because when emotions arises, it is the best time to present yourself. Because something is important to you, so an emotion would arise from you, showing whether you like it or dislike it. So, be thankful to your emotion, it is your good companion. Do not hate it and yourself when it arises, they are natural in nature. You have to appreciate it indeed. It is just a good hint, telling you that something is important to you, and remind you what your attitude towards those things.
Through emotions you could better understand yourself. So be grateful to it when it appears. Emotion is seemed to be something inferior in the modern society. Because people prefer rationality and calmness in emotion, and they think that emotion is not good. What good would it brings to us when we polarize rationality and emotion? This would only encourages suppression of emotions, ignore the true self within us, just be controlled by the voices outside, follow other people’s thoughts instead understanding one self’s true need. Sometimes when emotion is overwhelmed during connecting with other people, this would bring a negative image to the people. However, who do not have their emotion? It is only those who know well on covering their emotions when someone’s not. When some people show their true emotion, others would find disturbing sometimes. However, when emotion is suppressed and covered for too long, your sensitivity towards yourself and others would be diminished. Then you do not know how to love yourself and others. Therefore not affected by emotion is no good to oneself and others.Learn to see your true self through emotion, as well as seeing others without pretense and suppression. When you are open to your own emotion, your energy would flows more smoothly inside your body, it is good for both your body and soul. So, when you want to smile, smile. When you want to cry, cry it out. When your emotion is totally flowing and without accumulation in your heart, your emotion would not be fluctuated and collapsed afterwards. So, when your emotion is still in its initiation, open your heart, go outside and nature for a walk and relax, share your thouhts with good friends. Through expressing your emotion instead of suppression and controlling, your energy would flow and you would be more calm in emotion.
A teacher of you says right. When there is a negative thought coming up in your mind, just say “no” to it. Remember, what you think would be manifested. The reality is created by your thoughts. Through meditation, you can train yourself to be released from negative and unsafe emotions, only thinking about positive things. You will get used to this kind of thinking and positive thinking would become a part of you.
About Abundance:
Abundance starts from the heart. Money is just part of abundance, and it is what human value most. However, abundance in money is related to abundance in all aspects. Rich people are those who have vested interest so can generate income in an easier way, or those people who work hard on their own, open up themselves to the market news, grasp any opportunities which coming towards them, and produce a fertile land for nurturing future opportunities. Sometimes they would feel frustrated in the process, however they would again lift themselves up after resting for awhile. There is a belief inside them, this is a belief of abundance. Though abundance is not yet manifested in reality, they have already believed that they are worthy to have abundance, and they have the abundance already. They are just waiting for manifestation of abundance in the flow of time. Therefore, instead of looking at the little money in your hand and feel miserable, why not look into your heart, to find out how much you can have, and how much satisfaction you could enjoy in your lifetime. Better to grasp such feeling as “already have it” in your mind, through your thoughts and actions, your feeling would be manifestated. Just think about you have already had all, do not think that you have to leave your poverty. When you think in this way, you agree that “poverty” is still existing in your life. This would cause poverty to become reality.There are many books and workshops on abundance manifestation, you can refer to the ways and opinion of the experienced people. The most important is that you firstly have tried the abundant feeling. When you are meditating, remember the feeling when you have once got satisfaction and abundance. When you have such a feeling, abundance could then grow on this foundation. If you do not have any experience in abundance, you can imagine one, imagine what you feel when you are under abundance. You have this feeling in your heart everyday, so that you can always feel satisfaction and lightness. Satisfaction and lightness feeling could give birth to abundance.
So, you have to be grateful to everything happen everyday, appreciate what blessings they have brought you, and enjoy the good feeling they have brought you. You treasure what you have today, more good things would be brought into your life for your appreciation. Your feeling of satisfaction and abundance is just like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, abundance would come into your life in a surprising way.
In the past you may have doubts and hurts on money matters. Through meditation and healing, you can discover these deep-down believes, ask them go, and no more disturbance in your life ever after. Today you have your abundance, be glad to it, do not let the unsatisfying feeling dominate in you. Everything is bringing out by the abundant feeling.
(The channeled message is originally in Chinese.)